Why You Should Not Submit Scores Directly Through The Free Score Option
Sep 10, 2021
It is important to mention here that the SAT with essay writing and the SAT subject tests are no longer offered by the College Board, and the SAT test is no longer accepted by the University of California System.
Many students ask us about the best time to send in their standardized test scores when applying to colleges. The best time to send ACT test scores is about a month before the application deadline (in the case of rolling admissions, the scores should go out about a month or so before the application is submitted). You can certainly send them earlier than that, as they will simply go into a holding place at each institution until your son submits his application. Then his scores will be matched with the file. The ACT will allow you to submit scores at any point after they are available.
We do not recommend submitting the scores without seeing them first. One of the things you control in this process is which scores to send to each school. The ACT allows you to choose the test dates that you would like to submit (not the individual sections). This means that if your son takes three subject tests on one day, he can opt to submit one, two or all of the scores from those tests.
The ideal situation is that you receive all of the test scores from different test dates, review them, and then select the strongest scores to send to the schools on your son’s list.
It’s important to keep two things in mind. First, many colleges and universities will mix and match SAT scores from different dates to give students their best possible composite score. This means they’ll take the highest math, critical reading and writing scores earned in each section regardless of the date on which they were taken. Some will do the same with the individual sections of the ACT, though this is less common. As a result, it’s usually a good idea to send the scores from all of the test dates that feature a high score in a particular section.
The second important point is that some schools require students to submit ALL scores regardless of the fact that the ACT and the College Board allow them to only send specific dates. Our college admissions consultants always stress the importance of adhering to individual colleges’ policies, since the consequences—denial, revocation of an acceptance—can be dire. Contact us today at VoicED to get help from our experts on your college application plan.
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